Hi there all. It's been a lovely day 100 and Sheffield Wednesday joined me in celebrating with a nice win over Coventry to keep our faint hopes of reaching the Play-Offs alive and kicking too so thanks to them! I know it's unrealistic but as a diehard fan you can never let go of even the forlornest of hopes...
I had a brilliant night out last night. I was in such a good mood that I didn't even notice that I was only drinking water and felt that I must be on champers or that someone was spiking my drink or something.
First up, I went to my local and met some locals from the village and was really pleased to see one of my jogging pals, Kate, out for an hour or so too. She has 2 kids and doesn't come out very often but had made Pete take them on and popped out to join me. Like old times (without the rum and diet coke!).
Then at 10pm, off to another pub down the Valley where there was a band on. It was really cheesy - a Ricky Martin "Latino Sensation" tribute act. But really good fun. Packed out and everyone up dancing. After a while the Latino Sensation dropped the pretence and moved on from "La Vida Loca" to proper Cheez and us oldies were all up dancing and head banging (I kid you not) to anything from soul/pop covers to old Bon Jovi hits. I think that's why I like living in the country - there's no pretence at being cool or trendy, everyone just gets down and has a good time. Also there is all ages in the one place so you're sharing a dancefloor with a group of grandmothers on one side and a gaggle of 18 year olds trying to get off with each other on the other! Hilarious.
Up early this morning trying to get chores done. Was woken at 8am by a bloke coming round to quote for doing our driveway which was a shock to the system aftr a 2am bedtime! Thank God I'm not drinking these days - that would have killed me in the old days. Worked like stink all morning but was still late for the pre-footie drink and haven't got nearly through what I thought I'd do. No time to catch up tomorrow because of french and friends coming over though so it'll just have to wait.
Pre-footie drinks were good as always. When we move to France I think the football and the ritual drinks with my mate Jim are going to be the things I miss most out of everything. Next season is going to be really sad. I'm already beginning to think - this might be the last time I see Coventry or this'll be my second last last game of the season. Pathetic I know but I really miss the football during the summer - I thnk I have a syndrome or something...
Gret match - end to end and exciting. Then dashed back to the Valley, quick drink in the Derwent and onto meet Shelley and Martin for an evening walk. Martin is working so hard on their little farmplace that he's hardly been out at all so Shelley and I were showing him the new walks we've found during our jogging excursions. He was fascinated - kept stopping and looking at the views and exclaiming on verious house and streams etc. It was like taking a tourist for a walk even though he's meant to be a local!!
It was a lovely evening though and the dogs were in heaven. Now home checking the blogs.
I'm glad I'm not eating, I don't think I would have had time today!! It really frees up your day just grabbing a quick shake or bar doesn't it?
Have a lovely Sunday everyone.
PS: - in case you're wondering, I'm dressed as if I'm going out to the pub on a country walk because I thought we were going to the pub, not going for a country walk!! Also, I liked the sheep in a row, they look as though they're queuing for something.
Congratulation again ... been to my friends this evening and was telling her about your big day :)
That photo of you is lovely, that's one to remember the day by.... and those sheep look so cute!
When is it that you're planning to go to France? Have you picked a specific time?
Hi! Big congratulations to you for doing so well! Im so chuffed for you!Im going to a preliminary chat tomorrow to see if the LL programme is for me.Im so nervous and im really hoping that im allowed to join this programme it sounds like everybody does so well.
If you have any words of wisdom it would be much apreciated.Keep up the good work,You're such an inspiration xx
Firstly, Congratualtions on reaching Day 100. Good on yer, girl!
How are you going to title your posts now? Start thinking....
I laughed when I get to your PS as my first thought when I looked at the post was how much I liked the photo of the sheep. We should have a competition to see who can write the most appropriate caption to go with it (like on Have I Got News For You). And I also wondered why you were rather overdressed for a walk on the hills - I thought it must have been for a special 100 day photo to show off your new figure...lol
Football - so to say, but thank heavens its almost the end of the season Can't stand it! John's watching MotD now as I type this...uuggh!......and then we've got cricket - give me strength.
Have a good day tomorrow.
Chris x
Hi Chris - I was thinking of you when I typed the postscript!!
I gather there aren't many footie fans amongst our select little band but I feel the need to proselytize every now and then just in case I can sway any floating votes. If it's any consolation, Diarmuid absolutely loathes football too - thinks we're all hooligans and finds it all too tribal and intense for his tastes. Maybe that's why he's so keen to transplant me to France?? Little does he know that I'll just pick a French club to support when I get there - it won't be my beloved Wednesday but it might, in time, come close...
Great pics.
As a kiwi, I alwasy find it strage that no-one follows anything during the summer. After all, there is cricket but despite England having a well-known link to cricket, there doesn't seem t be a buzz here i the summer like there is at home. In NZ it is rugby in the winter and cricket in the summer and there is always something to look forward to.
However, I was always a football fan as well and used to watch 'The Big Match' early on a Sunday morning when I was a teenager in NZ. I'm not quite as fanatical as proper English fans but I'm just about there and I live with with a complete diehard. We are both West Ham and it's an emotional rollercoaster right now...
you look fantastic, an inspiration to us all - I am Superleague - you follow the wrong shaped ball for me :-)
(* C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S *)
Happy 100 Day!
You sound like you're on cloud nine, and so you should too!
Well done, you've done so well and been a huge inspiration for every one of those 100 days.
I must admit, I did think you looked very smartly dressed, then trainers and walking in the country. I thought maybe with the new figure you'd decided to wear lovely clothes for every occasion....for the pure hell of it, because you can now!
I must be honest I'm not a big footie fan I prefer Rugby myself, no particular team, I just like watching it be played.
Nigel is a BIG Manchester United Fan! We've just entered the draw at work to be able to buy FA Cup Final tickets for the Wembley game. We both work for E.on (Proud Sponsors of the FA Cup) so we may be able to get some tickets and Nigel is praying that we do. I must admit, I do like going to watch the games when we get the chance to go to Old Trafford, and going to Wembley will be an experience so I am hoping we get the tickets too.
All we hear about at work now is the FA Cup, although at £34 Billion pound sponsorship, I'd have prefered a good pay rise!
Take care,
Mel x
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