We all had good weight losses in our group. In fact the other woman who has been losing as fast as me and who was on the same total as me before the weigh in lost a massive 8lbs tonight!! I'm not jealous though, just really pleased for her. She's a really nice woman, a primary school headmistress in a bad area, and really deserves the good week. She looked so happy when she came out from being weighed. Go Anne!
I've been in a course up in Leeds all day so had to set off at crack of dawn to get there on time and only made it home 5 minutes before I had to turn round and leave for my weigh in. I have been driving for hours today and concentrating on compulsory purchase stuff for the rest of the time. My brain is frazzled!
Didn't help that I walked into the house this evening and had D in my face pissed off with me 'cos I had forgotten to turn my phone back on after the course and he hadn't been able to call me!! Charming. Was absolutely enraged that he could be so selfish over such a tiny mistake so left the house in a huff and felt really low as I drove to Penistone. I'd cheered up when I got there and to be fair to him he texted pretty promptly and apologised. It was so childish though an I'm tired so wasn't in the mood. Anyway, he's sorry and it's over now but I could do without such petty crap from him out of the blue! It's been so good for so long that this little jolt was upsetting.
Rant over. Back to happier thoughts. I'm chuffed to bits and want to thank everyone who sent me good wishes for the weigh in - it's so nice to feel all that goodwill winging through the wires.
I'm going to check on everyone elses' blogs now then get to bed and post longer tomorrow.
Night night!
Well done Lesley. I lost 4lbs tonight with LL too!! Good luck this week
Brilliant stuff Heather - where's it all going to?! Our Counsellor told us tonight we had lost 33 stone in our group so far!!!
Well done Lesley, another brilliant loss - 4stone 1lb WOW!!!
Can understand you being knackered, sounds like a hell of a day ..... D was probably upset as he couldn't get hold of you and was just worried --- one of those little glitches, you'll both be all loved up again by morning :)
You'll have very sweet dreams tonight of a 56lb sack of potatoes being chased down the street by 1lb of butter - once again Well Bloody Done xx
D would have been more cheesed off if you had turned your phone on, he'd rang you when you were driving, you'd answered it (as you know, no-one can resist a ringing phone), the police had caught you, and you'd ended up with a fine and 3 points on your licence - YOU TELL HIM!
Thanks everyone - much happier this morning after a good night's rest. D will pay, of course, over the weekend but was pretty contrite so I'm happy again.
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