Monday 4 April 2016

A noble sacrifice

Long term readers (or even anyone who has been kind enough to cast a cursory eye on my musings) will probably be aware that I tend to act on, erm, blind faith instinct and don't invest a great deal of thought into many of my larger  and more important projects.  My divorce; the purchase of this house; starting Lighter Life back in 2007; and starting this very blog all came from snap decisions based on randomly overheard or read snippets and chance encounters.

Starting Lighter Life again a few weeks ago came from a random text from a complete stranger trying to sell me stuff and I haven't regretted that for a minute.

So it will come as no surprise to you that I heard something on the radio this morning and am now embarking on a new adventure!  I'm going to be running a marathon in the next few weeks.

Calm down, calm down......

I'm not going to be running it all at once - I said in the next few weeks!!  I'm going to do it in stages. There was a woman on the radio trying to encourage old bags more mature ladies to get out running. She  suggested running just 1 mile a day for 26 days and a marathon will have been achieved.  I'm not sure I'll manage to get out every day but hopefully I'll manage  more than 1 mile at a time.

Keen to get going on my new quest I decided to go for a run this lunchtime.  But then, disaster - no outdoor trainers.  One pair have been left at Dad's and another at Vic and Dave's.  Was I deterred?  Not a bit of it.  I sacrificed by previously virgin white and baby blue gym-only trainers on the marathon's muddy altar. To be fair, they are quite elderly and have not been worn for 2 years since I last went to personal training so not a major sacrifice and they can always be washed when proper running shoes are purchased (hopefully tomorrow).

I pressed "start workout" on my Map My Run app but did I check that it had started??  No - I'm rubbish sometimes.  Anyway, I re-enacted the run online and note that I managed a miserly 2.49 km and it was hard!! Still that is more than 1 mile and it is a start so GO ME!

We caught some sunshine one the way round which helped a little but I still struggled with the running.  However, I didn't stop and didn't have any major foot pain so a success overall.  Anyone feel up to joining me??


Peridot said...

Certainly not. But I'm full of admiration for you!


Sarah said...

What a great idea to do a marathon gradually! Go for it!
I might join you, but walking not running. I know what you mean about serendipitous decision making. I found my fitbit in the bottom of a container the other day, because my daughter knocked it over and I was putting all the things back in. It must be a sign. I work on metric system (Australia), so will aim for 2km per day, for 21 days, aiming for 42.2km after 3 weeks.
Thanks for the inspiration!

Pam said...

Go you. I think my running days are over but you're doing very well!