Anyway, I'm back now and back on the straight and narrow dietwise. Work has been very busy which is predictable considering that I've been away for 3 weeks and Rotherham has been flooded out in that time. In a way, it has helped me get straight back onto the plan and I've been very focussed on it.
As you know, when I left on holiday, I was struggling with the Nibbles! I was finding it very hard to not eat small mouthfuls here and there. Starting again has actually been easier and I've been nibble free without too much trouble. I think I was bored after so long on the diet and the break and the holiday reinforced how well I have done and how happy I am with the weightloss. They seem to have made me all the more determined to power through the next few weeks to get to goal and then go through Management. I must admit that I'm relieved that this is the case as I was nervous about re-starting in case I just couldn't do it.
It shows the importance of mental attitude - because I never consciously "came off" the diet, it was not a problem to go back onto it.
Home is hectic at the moment. D has gone back to the rig a couple of days early so all the coming home tasks have fallen to me. Someone has driven into our front wall and demolished it so that's one big job to get quotes for rebuilding and deal with the driver's insurance company etc. We had a small leak in the roof above our bay window in our bedroom with all the rain so that's another thing. I've got to sort out our cottage purchase and re-mortgage. And the dog has a sore paw (a grass seed has got in there I think) so I have to take her to the vets tomorrow to be sedated and investigated under general anaesthetic! That's not counting diet class, french class, jogging, personal training and the washing!!
I feel a bit overwhelmed but I'm sure if I take it slowly and steadily I'll get through everything over the next week or so. I'm glad I have nothing planned for this weekend but my sister in law, niece and nephew and a couple of her Malaysian relatives are coming over from Canada and Dubai respectively the week after!
Hey ho, it'll distract me from the diet and the desire to eat. I will have to cook delicious meals for them though as Hadi cooked amazing stuff for us when we were over staying with them in Nova Scotia. She's Malaysian and a really good cook - the pressure's on.
Anyway, it sounds as though the surveyor is finishing up downstairs so I had better get ready for work. Have a great day and I'll post some more piccies tonight.
Don't you look the skinny min in the pics. I must say the steak does look good, but did you get all the stains out of the white top?
Congratulations on getting straight back onto the diet. I think the problem with the Nibbles before you went on holiday was probably due to the fact that subconciously you realised that the diet would probably go off kilter whilst away and this was how those feelings showed consciously (make sense?).
Hope Shelagh's OK, and the wall gets fixed, and the leak gets repaired, and the mortgage/purchase goes through straight-forwardedly, and the washing gets done....oh, the joys of returnong from holiday!
Chris x
You look lovely!
I'm impressed about you getting back on the straight and narrow. I must admit I've found it a struggle reently... Tying to be 100% and not quite making it but not being REALLY BAD.
I'm going to try harder from now on!
Oh you look gorgeous, so so slim. And yes your meal looks lovely, specially to me now while I'm sat here with my chicken soup!
Sounds like you had a perfect time - I'm glad that you're finding the diet easier (and nibble-less) now that you're home, hopefully your new start will keep you extra motivated and on track.
Don't envy you having to cook all those gorgeous meals but it will be great to have your family over I'm sure.
Great to have you back!
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