Monday 24 June 2013

Farewell sweet jargon...

Following the recent situational challenges which I faced and the resulting slippage of output delivery, I thought it would be beneficial to undertake a process of contextual blue sky thinking. I was seeking, though this bottom-up review, to establish a number of joined up outcomes as follows:
  • to set, through a robust scoping programme, a transparent and accountable baseline position

  • to build on these benchmarks and set the parameters for progress going forward

  • once the identified good practice has become embedded, to promulgate a process driven rebaselining thus consolidating and improving upon the early wins and creating sustainable step change.

Having only recently actioned the review, I would cautiously welcome the resulting strategic indicators and feel that it is, although it is still within the dialogue phase, nevertheless worth cascading the preliminary core principles downstream in order to achieve sign-up to the overarching direction of travel. This early engagement, whilst it has not been tested for soundness, delivers on the priority paradigms of proportionality and functionality.

By this I mean that:

I'm starting yet another diet and I'm hopeful of success.  I'll keep you posted as to how I get on!

(Some time ago, I came across an online survey with a long list of favourite public sector jargon words and set myself a challenge to use as many as possible while still broadly making sense....harder than it sounds, you forget where you are and what you're trying to say!!  I just found it in my drafts folder and it fits where I am now so thought I'd post it.)

1 comment:

Seren said...

Tee hee - LOVE this!
