As you had know, I had an awesome (are you still allowed to use that word once you hit 40? Or at all??) mountain bike ride on Saturday and now you've seen the pics to prove it.
Well, yesterday I played golf! For the first time in 2 years!! I used to play often and am still a member at my local club (which has, I've just painfully calculated, cost me over £1000 for no result!!) but just sort of stopped playing. I think it was the demands of the LL diet initially and then keeping my holidays for trips to South Africa and Botswana and, once you get out of the habit, other activities intrude and you just drift away. Also golf is quite a time-consuming game and you need companions for it so, what with the training for a half marathon (remember that?) and the TV show, I just never got round to it. It doesn't help that our Ladies section play on a Wednesday - hellloooo - working women??
Anyway, I was in the pub on Friday saying that I was determined to play this summer but was nervous about that first round. Scared about playing with the Ladies section when I haven't played for so long. Being unusually helpful, Sammy suggested that we have a round as I don't give a monkey's what he thinks!! Which is fair. So, Sunday afternoon, in glorious weather on a very quiet course we played a full 18 holes. And I wasn't half bad. I wasn't counting or anything and if I get stuck had no compunction about picking the ball up and putting it somewhere easier but I had did play some excellent shots and got a few pars along the way.
It just goes to show - you can build things up in your mind to be bigger or scarier than they are. You just have to manage your fears (ie. playing my first round with Sammy) and get stuck in. So now I have another form of exercise. Golf might sound tame but it's a 3 1/4 hour walk over hilly terrain dragging a heavy trolley and weilding a stick, you're pretty tired at the end!!
The weight loss quest is going well too. I had a great 3lb drop on Sunday morning but at the time suspected it was post-alcoholic dehydration and this morning was proved right as 2 of those lbs are back on!! Still, that means I did still drop over the weekend and have now lost 8lbs in total in less than 2 weeks so Bootcamp2010 going well.
Saturday night there was an Ann Summers party in the top room of the local - was a bit tame but fun and the evening afterwards turned into a bit of a bunfight for no apparent reason. Very late and I was drinking rose spritzers (why God, Why??). So felt a bit tender on the Sunday and chastened to remember that I was not meant to be drinking more than the odd one while on Bootcamp2010. Bad Lesley!