Monday 27 March 2017

Starting again, again, again...

But I'm not starting again from a bad place. I'm still weighing in at 16.7 so in effect, after shifting the Christmas 4 lbs, I have spent the last nearly 3 months in "active maintenance". I have not strayed far or slapped weight on but neither have I forged ahead with dropping weight, self evidently.

So, I need to go back to what WAS working rather than the looser, vaguer version of it which is not working.

To that end I am back logging ALL my calories EVERY day. And I'm going back to proper amounts of exercise rather than the 1 run and lots of walks which has appeared. Blogging too - I'm always much better when I post more frequently.

To be fair to me, I fully intended to do all this at the beginning of last week but was stricken by a combination of a nasty cough hitting on Sunday (yes, another one), a dental operation on Tuesday (dental implants) which left me with a horribly sore and swollen face and year end leaving me with a mountain of urgent work. It was a tough week but I'm quite proud with how I coped with it. I didn't overeat and, although I didn't do any running (couldn't have done it), I did go for decent walks every day. My weight did not change so the proof of the pudding is there.

So, the restart is on. Dancing tonight, run tomorrow, golf Wednesday, run Thursday, walk Friday and golf again on Sunday. Should be a good week provided I keep a lid on the calories.

Fingers crossed for me peeps. In the meantime here are some only slightly out of date pics of a walk over the golf course and around Bamford. I used to live there so it used to be a standard walk but now it was more unfamiliar and all the more lovely for that.

1 comment:

Peridot said...

Phew! That sounds a full on week and my fingers are firmly crossed for you. Beautiful photos (as ever)
