Thursday, 24 May 2018

Wayward footsteps....

I have not gone off plan and I'm still determined to drop weight but I can feel myself sliding. I'm not snacking but I'm wanting to. Breakfast this morning was a battle to avoid toast, crumpets, even a pain aux raisins when I stopped at the petrol station. I resisted and had yoghurt with fruit and muesli but it was tough.

My diary entries are shorter and more perfunctory. I'm less keen to blog. I'm looking for (and finding) excuses not to exercise. I'm going back to quick, old favourite recipes rather than "cooking the books" as Seren would say. And I'm choosing more carbs than I should, a small portion of noodles with a stir fry last night and a jacket potato for lunch being cases in point.

Only a week ago I was keen as mustard: yoghurts for breakfast, soup for lunch, something new and interesting for supper and excited about bootcamp. What the hell has happened??

I don't really know. Work has gone a bit horrible. I have so much to do that it is overwhelming. I feel as though I'm drowning and time off for multiple golf matches is not helping but it is too late to do anything about that.

I don't think it is just work though. Possibly partly a cyclical thing. Partly a combination of factors. Bootcamp is less appetising when it's hot. We're busy in the evenings so I have less time to plan and cook new dishes.

I suppose I should expect enthusiasm to wax and wane over time. You can't be a girl guide, squeaky clean perfect dieter all the time. The key thing must be to stick to the plan as well as you can while you're in an "off" phase and make sure that you stick to it!!

I can live with a ropey week but must keep it going and not slide. One and a half stone off is a great start but that is all it is - a start!!

So, now I've given myself a good talking to, hopefully I will summon up some renewed vigour for this dieting lark VERY soon.

Now say hello to Minty enjoying a belly rub....


Anonymous said...

Sweet Minty!
When I'm feeling this way I try to remember the importance of just showing up. Boot camp sounds challenging but what if you told yourself you could go but put in the minimal effort required to get through it? Tell the instructor you have a headache. Lie if you have to! You're just there to get the bare minimum out of it. I tell myself I just need t go to the gym for 10 minutes. Of course, I always stay longer, but that motivates me to show up. Plan super simple low cal/ high protein meals. Nothing fancy! You have, can and will do this.

Lesley said...

Thanks for your lovely and perfectly timed comment Melinda. That is advice I can follow. Just turn up and keep it going and it'll improve soon!! Lxx

Seren said...

You’re doing so well. A blip like this is normal and to be expected. It takes so much mental effort to be “ on plan” - I think we all underestimate that. If you need to, keep it really simple for a while. Ready meals, simple grilled meat and salads based suppers plus any exercise you can fit in - they’ll keep you on an even keel until work comes down and you can work up a bit more enthusiasm for novelty.

You’ve got this,


Stephbospoon said...

Whilst I wish you all the best for your pre wedding campaign, I do question what you are doing it for? Is the groom going through the same regime? If not - why should it be different for you? In the photos I’ve seen you look great and will make a perfect bride just as you are. Hope work gets better soon xx

Peridot said...

Overwhelmed is a definite diet saboteur, hang in there. Post boot camp, are you ever sorry you went? I often can’t be bothered to go to choir (which I appreciate is an entirely different beast but which necessitates a trek to the ‘burbs) and feel resentful - but I’m always glad I went....
