Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Sunny evening walk (instead of bootcamp!)

I'm doing the honesty diet so I have to admit to myself that I manipulated our plans this evening so that we went for a glorious sunny evening dog walk rather than me going to bootcamp. Oh I have reasons/excuses, some good, some less good but ultimately this was an occasion when chimp won!

I had a pretty sore knee over the weekend which, considering I played 3 rounds of golf in 4 days, was not great. I'm not sure whether the pain came from bootcamp. It's possible as the last session involved a lot of running/sprinting and some high leg jogging on the spot.

However, it's also possible that it was just a random jarred knee.

Either way, I decided to give bootcamp a miss this evening as the pain has almost gone away and I have another round of golf tomorrow morning. We did a few hills but I was aware that I could have been sweating it out! If my knee does not collapse again tomorrow, I will go on Thursday evening!!

I'm not going to regret a single evening off, especially one which involved a beautiful evening walk.

A grey wagtail (with a yellow belly) hopping along the weeds in the stream.

Happy goats in the sunshine

I always have to say hello to this beautiful girl as I walk past. Usually she has her shy big sister with her but not today. Hope the other one is alright.

Shelagh on Rich's knee outside the pub where we had a sneaky drink sitting outside.


Seren said...

So beautiful! Love those goats :-)


Peridot said...



Peridot said...

PS Hope your knee gets better