Thursday, 3 May 2018


The scales have stuck again. I don't mind but even tiny little drops would be welcome. I suppose I'm slightly concerned as, if I'm brutally honest, I know I'm eating a bit more than I was in the first 2 or 3 weeks. The changes are marginal - a piece of toast (twice in a week), a couple of slices of chicken etc, a small portion of noodles with a stir fry.

These little extras should not make a massive difference but when you are exercising and not seeing movement you need to consider every factor.

So, I need to rein in the extras, stop snacking and get back to what was working.

It doesn't help that I was right about the rain so golf yesterday WAS cancelled as predicted due to a waterlogged course and heavy rain. It was so annoying as it literally rained for the few hours I should have been on the course and then cleared up for the afternoon.....grrrr

I was virtuous though and went to the gym instead. I can really see the difference there now I've been going for a few weeks. I have upped several weights and reps, plank for 3 x 1 minute and do a decent abs workout as well as 15 minute running on the treadmill (which I do not enjoy!!).

It is pleasing to me that I'm doing this on my own. Previously I have tended to rely on external forces - Slimming World, TV show and Steve Peters, Bootcamp, LL, personal trainer etc. I don't want to be dogmatic about it but at the moment I'm valuing being mistress of my own destiny. It is reinforcing the feeling that this is something I need to do forever.

Today has been quiet on the exercise front as I was in the office in the morning and had french this evening. I did take the dogs out for a lunchtime walk though which pretty but a little chilly.

It was not as sunny as it had been a fortnight ago on my drive home from french this evening. The traffic was much quieter though so I stopped to snap a few pics of the house and the sheep. The lambs are getting really bold now, racing back and forth over the road making the traffic wait for them and bucking and jumping around. Very sweet.

We're golfing tomorrow evening which I'm looking forward to but am going to have to watch supper at the club afterwards as I think it might be a curry night!! Will try and fit in a run with the dogs earlier to create a little wriggle room....

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