Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Back to basics

What a stunning day it has been. Obviously my mood was sunny due to the favourable weigh in but it would have been hard to be grumpy today whatever the scales has thrown at me. I worked from home so was able to go out for a lunchtime dog walk. As it was warm and sunny I picked a route with plenty of shade and paddling/swimming opportunities as my girls are getting on a bit and I don't want to push them in the heat.

That said, it was one of those perfect days, warm, hot even but not sweltering. Low humidity with a pleasant, fresh breeze.

We walked along the river at Shatton which is a route I used to take all the time but which is now an occasional treat. It gets very muddy in winter and I have to drive there and muddy dogs and cars don't mix.

I remember when the big tree came down in a storm a few years ago. Diarmuid and I walked along here checking out the storm damage and the raging river. Now just a grey spiky stump.

I'm sure any mothers reading will be familiar with the enforced togetherness that children sometimes insist on, especially on hot days. The hot, sticky child..... this ewe had her lamb on her for at least an hour!

I don't know why Minty is glaring at me...

Lovely bluebells.

I checked back through my Fitbit records and note that the last time I weighed 16.7 was March 2017. I seem to have swung between 16.5 and 16.12 for several months between December 2016 and March 2017 but can't remember what I was doing at the time....nothing overly successful obviously!

This time I'm determined to power through 16.5 and reach the fresh fat realms of 16.4 and my stone and a half off within a fortnight!!

To that end I went to bootcamp this evening. It was much busier than Saturday morning - 14 of us including 4 blokes. Hard work as usual but a lot more running and obviously less focussed than the painful one-to-one attention I received on Saturday! I will definitely go again.

Supper was a new recipe from Lisa R - chicken satay salad. Very tasty and light and, after a couple of hours, more filling than I thought it would be. I needed a light supper to counteract the sneaky bread from yesterday.

Golf tomorrow. It'll rain......

1 comment:

Peridot said...

Just beautiful. You’re so lucky to live somewhere so stunning.
