Sunday, 4 February 2007

Day 21 -80 - Weigh in time again

Today was a good day. I was off work as my brother arrived from New Zealand (via Malaysia and Dubai) with his wife and 2 kids. I picked them up at Manchester airport in the morning and brought them home with me for the night. I haven't seen Graham for a couple of years and the children for 4 years so it was lovely to catch up with them. They are really nice kids - mannerly, bright, active, entertaining. Great to be with.

We had a quiet day as they were all pretty tired but we managed a walk and then they all crashed. I went off to my weigh in and left them all snoring!

Not a bad result - 4lbs off so that's a total of 25lbs in 3 weeks! It's slowing down which is to be expected but 4lbs is a pretty good number.

I didn't stay at the class as I didn't want to miss anything with the family and D was due back that evening anyway. So, back to the ranch and had a quiet night in the local with D and Graham just catching up. I had prepared a big lasagne for them all but as they were sleeping it was just D and Graham eating so not too bad.

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