Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Quick WI Update

I'm coming down with a horrid cold, felt achy and knackered last night and stiff as a board this morning. Still, the news from the scales is positive - I managed 0.5lb off!

I'm pleased with a small result after a week's holiday that means that whatever I gained in my week off I made up for by being good before I went and getting straight back onto the plan when I returned home.

I hope this cold doesn't linger and allows me to keep up with some exercise even if I have to tone it down a bit.

Still not FEELING a great deal slimmer though which is weird. I suppose that on previous diets I've gone hell for leather and have probably lost a bit quicker (albeit risking early dropout) so the changes have been more noticeable. This time round I'm giving my body and mind chance to adjust together so not getting that body dysmorphia thing. I know that my clothes are looser and look better so I must be smaller overall, I just don't feel greatly thinner round the tum/bum/thighs etc.

It'll come.


Peridot said...

Uh-oh, I've just had the most horrible gastric flu bug, hope you don't have that.

Well done on the pleasing results from SoD. And love the circular rockpool! Looks beautiful up there.


Seren said...

Well done - that's an absolutely brilliant result.

Hope you shake the cold off quickly so you can get out and enjy this last gasp summer we seem to be enjoying at the moment!


Claire said...

That's a great result - even better coming after a holiday!

Sarah said...

I hate colds. It's miserable and particularly when the weather is nice, being hot outside and then being hot and cold .... yuck.

Hopefully you can shake it and keep going with your excellent progress.

Sarah x