Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Ch ch ch ch chaaanges...

Although I'm very happy with how SW is going, I worry that it is making me a bit of a one trick pony on the blogging front. I try not to be a diet bore in real life but I'm afraid you lot are going to have to pick up the slack!!

I genuinely feel different on this diet to how I have been in the past. I feel calmer about it all, more committed. I'm writing this post BEFORE my weigh-in this Tuesday evening. I am, as I mentioned in my last couple of posts, somewhat concerned about how this week has gone and suspect that I will not be beaming happily at a lovely loss on the scales this evening (although I hope I'm wrong of course). But this concern is not eating me up; I'm not contemplating chucking it all in; and I'm not disheartened or derailed.

I just think - "okay, so this week has been a bit chaotic, you weren't very organised at times, there are things you might have done differently but there are also things you've wouldn't have changed because you had a good time. So carry on with what you're doing and you'll see the benefits in the next few weeks and months."

I would really, hand on heart, be happy with a nice 7-10 lbs by Christmas, a rate of less than a lb a week. In the past this rate of loss would not have been enough for me. I would have either re-doubled my efforts and started getting silly about what I can and can't do or, more likely, the diet would have quietly petered out.

But I don't want to be a diet bore at home. I want to enjoy life, go to the pub with Rich from time to time and sink into a lush pint of bitter like I used to. Not be a whiner when the food choices are tricky as they will be occasionally. Cook nice meals and share the odd bottle of wine.

This all sounds like a "cheaters charter" to me. So I need to make sure that, when I'm NOT enjoying the odd treat as above, I am saying "No" to unnecessary extras and eating sensibly. And to that end I have been quite good this week, even through the chaos. I have turned down LOTS of stuff.

As an aside, Peridot and I agree on this point (and many others) - it is not fair that you don't automatically lose some weight just by saying "No" to something nice. I think that when I turn down a kebab or a couple of pints or chips or sweets or cake or biscuits or cheese (all of which I have done in the past week - GO ME!!!), I should get some form of credit for the item which has been denied. It would be tricky to fit into the SW plan I suppose.....

Update ..... Update..... Update.....

I've just come back from weigh-in and I lost!! This is good news. But, do you want to know what the really great news is??? I LOST 3.5LBS!! That takes me to 10.5lbs in 5 weeks. I'm very chuffed. I had no idea how I'd done as I've not been weighing myself so it was a lovely surprise.

And, for those of you who have had the pleasure of a SW class, I won Slimmer of the Week and walked out with a bag full of fruit and other slimming goodies. Yay!!


Anonymous said...

Oh my god that is brilliant, well done!! :)

Peridot said...

Wow! That's amazing, well done. (And love 'cheater's charter').
