Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Day 272 - still keeping it up

It was a mixed up day - I didn't stick to the packs exclusively but didn't eat much and what I did eat was not bad. I resisted serious temptation several times. Had another reasonably unsatisfactory conversation with D although not a row and immediately felt the urge to eat badly and even got a bowl out for some icecream but managed to turn away and put the bowl back in the cupboard, of feat of which I was proud of myself.

No exercise though as I worked late and not sure if I'll be able to fit any in tomorrow either. I'll try though, even if it's just a home workout - there's no reaosn why I couldn't do one of those after French. To be fair, there is no reason why I didn't tonight so I must try harder on that score! The darker evenings are beginning to take their toll and and I must nip that in the bud.

So, altogether a better, more positive day and, although not perfect due to circumstances, not bad at all. I FEEL thinner too which is good.

Oh, and I've bought some bitchin' (no - didn't think I could get away with that phrase...!) clothes for Ireland! Stripey polo neck jumper in blues, greens and browns (very fresh colours), blue knit short sleeve chunky knit to wear over it in the layered manner (with a belt round the waist no less!), skinny jeans,brown flattish knee length boots and a brown leather cap. I look really trendy and layered which is not something you can away with when you're fat! I really enjoyed trying on the new look and it's nice to be able to be fashionable rather than choose clothes which merely flatter. Hopefully, I've started the beginning of a wardrobe now as I can see lots of other stuff which will work with what I've got - it's taken me a while but I'm feeling my way towards a style.....37 years old and just working out what suits me....hopeless!!

1 comment:

Such A Pretty Face... said...

The new additions sound lovely not to mention trendy, you will have to post some pics of you in your new outfits- bet you'll look gorgeous.
