Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Day 271 - Back on the packs.

I woke up this morning and got up really early, 5.30am, as I had training and knew I wasn't going to have time to go back to sleep before it was time to get up feeling rubbish. The early option was a good idea as I was much more alert at training. I had a good chat about the eating problems with my trainer and he was pretty helpful. I've got an extra session with him on Friday as I'm missing next week so that'll help too.

It was strange - I was actually looking forward to going back on the packs. Not in a "retreating to my cave" kind of way but in a "I know I can do this and I'm going to prove it" kind of way. Overall, I've been pretty good - 2 teas with skimmed milk and the last apple in my fruit bowl. I spent an hour or so this evening cooking up various batches of soup from the veggies in my fridge. They look and smell wretty good but they've gone straight nto the freezer.

I've stayed in again this evening which might have been a mistake but didn't have much choice to be honest. My friends in the village are not being particularly helpful or supportive at the moment. Maybe through having other things on but I do feel a bit lonely at the moment. Having said that, Although i feel that same "tug" I had over the weekend, I know I'm not going to succumb and there are worse things than being a mite lonely for a night or so!!

I'm going running with a mate tomorrow night so that'll be good, then french on Thursday and D is back (a day late) on Frday and over to Ireland on Sunday. I'm looking forward to seeing D and hopefully he will appreciate me too.

I'm not going to let him get away with his criticisms though and Ireland will definitely not be the same as it has always been. For one thing, I'm not going to sit around as much as we tend to - that'll be too much with the temptation so will have to arrange more outings and exercise, with or without D and his family. But apart from that, I'm really looking forward to it.

So, a slightly subdued but very positive Lesley is back on track. Thanks for all your comments.


Amanda said...

I'm glad your feeling much more positive & that D is being more supportive.

I'm sure you'll be able to get back on track, I have every faith in you & whilst in Ireland you'll probably enjoy more outings out as your slimmer & much more fitter since the last time you were over there.

Keep it up Lesley and stay positive.

(((((Big Hugs)))))

Amanda x

Anonymous said...

Your new outfit sounds so fantastic - I wish I had the legs for skinny jeans!

Glad you are feeling better about D