Sunday, 9 September 2007

Day 240 - Sunny Saturday

We've had a day of togetherness yesterday and it's been great. We were up early and made a start on all the chores (cleaning, shopping and breakfast) then hit the garden running. I planted up the bed round the garden with the plants I bought at the Hope Show a week ago and D worked his way through loads of little tidying up tasks. I was thrilled as he's usually terrible at these and now the garden is very nearly done. We also had a serious session at the garden centre so now I have even more plants to plant today in the herb bad. Next year I'll plant it up properly but for now I just need to get some colour in there.
After all the gardening we went for a really nice long walk with the dog. We picked a load of sloes and I'm going to make sloe gin for Christmas at some stage (maybe tonight if I get round to it!).
Then a night in the local which was, for some bizarre reason, absolutely hopping. Packed full of people all intent on partying. Very random but a good laugh.
So, although it was a nothingy day really - I loved it - we were really happy and it passed in a flash.
The only downside was the food choices I made at the last. I had been pretty good all day stuck to the packs during the day, only had one milky coffee and the rest black tea or water. My evenig meal was only very slightly off plan. But, before I went to the pub I had a bowl of cornflakes with blackberries. Not a big bowl but not necessary! I need to stop the extras.
So - that's what I'm gong to work on - going to come up with a plan today and set some goals later. I'm rushing now an don't want to go off half cocked. Have a good Sunday everyone!


Peridot said...

Those stepping stones across the stream look idyllic - keep me informed about your holiday let as I go away with my mother and her chocolate lab most years for a week of walking.

Peridot x

Amanda said...

I love nothingy days too, it was like that this weekend, didn't do loads, bit it was lovely.

Like Peridot says, please can you keep me informed about your holiday let too, as I'm always looking for places to stay.

Thank you.

Amanda x