Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Developing 37 - We got it!!

I put the offer in for the cottage this morning and after a little bit of horsetrading it was accepted and we've agreed to buy all the furniture and equipment too so we'll be up and running in the holiday cottage business in a few weeks or months!! Now comes the hard stuff - all those forms and paperwork which I used to dish out as a solicitor - now I'm going to be on the receiving end.....aaaargh!

D is pretty relaxed considering he hasn't even seen the place!! I'm going to arrange a viewing for him for the day after he gets back which is also the day before we go off to Canada...fingers crossed he agrees with me that it's a good buy. He's checked it out on the Sykes Cottages website (it's called Green Edge View in Bradwell in the Peak District if you're curious) and the reviews were all pretty positive so I think he's reasonably happy about it.

Anyway, what else? Bones - I seem to be obsessed with them. Not only do I love the Sky One programme of that name with the luscious David Boreanas (although didn;t like him in Buffy or Angel), I also noticed that I could feel my ribs last night and my hip bones. A very strange experience. Normally they're hidden beneath a squishy layer of lard but not any more...actual bones.

This revelation prompted me to re-measure myself so here goes (in inches):

Original measurements:

Height 5'7"
BMI 45
Chest 50
Waist 44
Hips 56
Arm 18
Thigh 33
Knee 20
Calf 18

New measurements:

BMI 30.07 (of which more later!)
Chest 37
Waist 34
Hips 41
Arm 13
Thigh 24
Knee 16
Calf 17

Man, that is some serious inches to have disappeared off me!! Apart from my calf - what is that about? I must be destined to have chunky calves forever. Dammit - I've been fantasizing about gorgeous leather knee high boots for winter and it turns out I have naturally chunky calves.... Oh well, I'll live...

Seriously though, when I see the measurements like that it makes me think about how big I was and how much better it is being smaller.

I met up with my friend Becky this evening for a walk with the dogs (she of the injured knee and thinking about LL). I'm so pleased to report that she said she has been totally inspired and is going for her introduction session tomorrow and hoping to start on Foundation (all being well) on 6 June. She's as excited as I was before Christmas and I'm just praying that it works as well for her as it has done for me.

I took my camera on our walk as it was a lovely sunny evening and the walk is gorgeous, all summery meadows and pretty woods with streams. I thought I could take before piccies of Becky and have her take a couple of me as I haven't posted any this weekend. So, where are they, you ask? I was ebaying last night and left the memory card in the computer so lugged the camera all the way round the walk this evening for no purpose whatsoever....Doh!!

For the record, it was lovely.

Anyway, I have golf tomorrow morning so had better get some shuteye. Night night all. Oh, and thanks for all your good wishes re the cottage: I'm really happy that we've got it.


. said...

I'm made up that you got it - that's excellent news --- congratulations to you both .... and yes I'll be checking it out.

Don't kow David Boreanas ... and never seen Buffy or Angel so can't give a vote on him ------ brilliant that you've found your bones now, I'm glad you like them because you're going to be seeing a lot more of them in the future.

Before I get to your (amazing) inch losses - you said there'd be more of your BMI later but didn't explain any more???

Your measurements are just bloody bloody brilliant!! What a difference - you are just wonderful, you've worked so so hard and that proof is in the pudding (or cup a soup!)!


Lesley said...

It got too late for my BMI rant but it WILL be coming. I can't believe that even now - after all these losses and being a size 14 and having people tell me I don't need to lose any more etc etc - that I'm still technically "Obese" in BMI terms! That was mini version of the rant. I may repeat it in my blog later.....

Cheers Cath though.

Lesley x

chrismars said...

Congratulations on getting the cottage, Lesley. I tried to check it out on the cottage website but it wasn't there, so I did a search and found it on the estate agent's site (no stopping me when I get into research mode!) It's lovely, I'm sure D will love it. And four-posters always seem to go down well in holiday cottages. So, good on you!

I vaguely remember the Hope area. I stayed in a YH in Hope when I was doing a Geography Field Trip for my O-levels (that would be 1971, cough-cough!)

Your inch losses are phenomenal. Well Done! Do you think the fact that you haven't lost a vast amount on your calves is just down to the amount of running you do? I think that's probably the case - it's muscle, not fat.

The curse of the BMI! No real indication of weight. Just there to make us all feel bad, and for the government to use as statistics. If you were an athelete with masses of muscle you'd quite likely show up as being overweight, purely because muscle weighs more than fat. You've only to look at your photos to tell that you're way, way no longer 'obese'.

Keep up the good work, Lesley.

Chris x

Melanie said...

I think I found the cottage on the net and it looks like a postcard picture, it's a sweet place. I'd love to live somewhere like that.

Well done for the inch losses, that's incredible, and as for the calves, it's probably all the running, you've replaced any flab with nice toned legs.

As for BMI, well I personally aren't paying much attention to it, even my goal weight would be considered high but I remember being that weight and feeling and looking really good so that's what I'm aiming for, not what statistics say.

You sound so bright and as positive as ever...keep it up.

Mel x

Anonymous said...

Ok I'm a lazy cow and in need of a snooze!!...anyone got a link to the cottage! Fab news for you and great that you & OH are so togeather on the plan! I'll ask my gym woman re her "table" that she has re BMI when I next see her(totally agree its a ridiculous measure!) which measures something else and is much more realistic in terms of measuring what is healthy! Just go with what you feel comfortable with. Have been having trouble getting into the blog last few days...not sure if its just me!! Keep up the good work!

Mrs said...

Hey gorgeous shrinking woman with HIGH self esteem (ha ha!)

What incredible incredible losses! Don't worry about BMI; I seem to remember you and I reassuring someone else about it. Anyway, many Olympic athletes are technically obese so it just goes to show what a crap system it can be.

Congratulations on the cottage; must go and find it. That is great news.

You mentioned you are struggling with the diet; I think it's because you are tantilisingly close and the holiday is looming. There is so much going on (in a positive, exciting way) that the emotions are probably driving you to feel a bit more carefree with the diet. Do a thought record and you'll get back on track OR at least to a place where the diet is still working for you (but it is - you are still shrinking).

I'm going to do another blog about self esteem and will be asking for my mentor's input (that's you!).

Wish I could just give you a big hug (and everyone else); these are exciting times!!

Mrs L xxxxxxxxxxxx