Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Really returning this time!

I had a mission - 13 weeks to drop a stone. Now nearly 3 weeks have passed and my mission is 10 weeks to drop a stone. It can be done but only if I get my finger out - NOW!!

I'm stuck at 15.12-15.13. However, I spoke with a very supportive colleague on Monday and we are both turning it around. She is going back to SW and writing everything down and I'm going back to calorie counting using my Fitbit but also writing everything down. It worked last year for both of us and WILL work again.

I'm also back to blogging as that was a big part of what worked last year too. So hellooo!

In other news, I'm in the throes of panto season - first night is a single week away but also staying over at dad's for a few nights. He had a hernia op last Friday which has left him with an infection so I'm over here working from home but also caring for him. He's on antibiotics and is not too bad but very tired and not eating etc so I'm having to nag and cajole him along.

Hey ho.

Still, it does mean I'm being very good with food and exercise. 1500 cals yesterday and a 4km run and today looking similar except with an added dog walk in the sunshine this lunchtime!!

As I'm away from home I can't weigh in until Friday morning but am hoping for a drop. My future MIL bought me a diet aid bikini body and I've not got off the mark yet!! (You slide a £ coin into the slots for each lb gone.)

Anyway, I had better crack on. Here is a pic from my run with the girls over Coleby Heath yesterday evening. So very Lincolnshire!

1 comment:

Seren said...

So gorgeous to see you. Need a full report on how the panto goes, please! x