Saturday, 30 June 2018

Into the blue

What stunning weather we are having. My joy in it is tempered by concern. For the moors, gardens, wildlife etc. Our streams are low and fields are brown and, although the weather was perfect for hay making, without rain the grass hasn't grown so the yield is very low.

Hopefully we will have some steady, overnight rainfall soon.

In the meantime, I don't know if I can thank the weather but the scales are being extremely cooperative. 15.9 this morning which is amazing. That's 30lbs shed since the beginning of April. Smiles all round.

I will have to schedule wedding dress viewings in the next few months. It would be nice to drop another stone or stone and a half first as I will then be a lot closer to my target so will know what I'm aiming at.

But enough of that....I need to keep my head in the game for now and not let up.  We're having a barbie tonight which makes dieting easy provided I keep on top of the booze, which might be tricky as all our lovely new wines have arrived!!

We did chores all morning getting the house, garden and fridge ready for this evening and then took the girls out for a short walk. We can't take them too far in this heat.

Have a great sunny weekend wherever you are.


Peridot said...

Again with the rain. Happy to compromise and have it overnight.

And you’re whizzing down the scales. Long may it continue.


Lesley said...

Yes, definitely overnight as might interfere with golf otherwise!!

Lesley said...
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