Friday, 5 April 2013

Listening to my body

Because I've been poorly sick, I've been trying to listen to my body about what it really wants to do - both in terms of activity levels and also in terms of what I eat.  For the first couple of days I didn't eat much at all anyway but the only things I fancied were fruit, sweet stuff (I ate half a bar of chocolate each day) and cereals.  Then yesterday I wanted to eat more and went for savoury meals of egg fried rice and later a stir fry for supper as well.  So clearly yesterday I wanted salty soy sauce based meals!

I have been all over the place being alternately dehydrated (the morning on the scales when I saw 14.4.8!!) and drinking like a horse all day thereafter.  However, I am definitely on the mend now and my weight seems to have settled down at roughly where it was before ie. 14.6 or 7.  This means that I can start again (on Monday as is traditional) from a decent level and hopefully make progress towards the elusive 13's.

In the meantime, I'm being very good foodwise and have this morning reinstated the cold showers and black coffee routine which I suspended while feeling so grim. 

I know that next week will be a struggle as, although I'm much better, I'm not actually well.  Breathing in is a rattley, sore affair  and I'm still achy and a lot tireder than normal.  Exercise will not restart for at least another week.  However, I think I did the right thing taking a week not exactly off work but working from home and taking it easy.  Hopefully I will have averted a longer spell of poorliness...

There is nothing else to report really as I've hardly done anything recently.  The house sale is going alright and should complete soonish so our house is full to bursting with stuff.  I'm ebaying away trying to create some more space and create a holiday fund.  We're off for a walk soon - flat and gentle, the only way to go!


Unknown said...

Sorry to hear you have been ill...hopefully the sun will arrive in the uk soon and it will help!! get well soon! x

Peridot said...

Poor you. Hope you're feeling a bit better now.
