Sunday, 30 December 2012


Quick post.

I tried on a load of non-fitting clothes from the wardrobe in the spare room.  Very exciting.  Lots of stuff will go on and do up.  Too tight to wear at the moment but they go on.  I estimate 7-14lbs will see me fitting into:  I pair smart Oasis jeans, 1 pair slouchy boyfriend jeans, 1 pair black skinny jeans and 2 pairs brand new walking trousers (all new or nearly new).  I didn't check out the tops but suspect there will be lots of "new" stuff there too.

How's that for a New Year Incentive??!

New clothes, here I come.


Seren said...

Hurrah for "new" clothes!

Thanks for all your support and lovely comments this year and hope 2013 brings much peace and joy to you and yours.


Dreaming of being a Skinny Minnie said...

Great incentive! You'll get there. Happy New Year!