Saturday, 12 February 2011

I just keep on runnin'....

A few pics from our walk last weekend up Lose Hill. Views of Mam Tor and the Great Ridge to one side, Win Hill to another and the Hope Valley below us. Lovely but too windy to enjoy!!

Why do certain forms of exercise appeal at different times? I’ve been avoiding running like the plague for months, having no interest in it but suddenly am keen again. Maybe there is a hint-ette of spring in the air (although that could be me being pretty optimistic here) and it is just slightly lighter in the evening so the idea of running does not seem quite so ridiculous. Having said that, I went out on Tuesday night at 6pm into the dark with a head torch wearing a fleece and gloves so it was hardly balmy!!

Whereas the swimming which has been my fave for a month or so now seems more trouble than it is worth. I failed to make myself go on Wednesday – I employed all the chimp trickery I have at my disposal and she still won out. Admittedly I had been thwarted by a last minute meeting which meant that I would have been racing to get to the pool in time for lane swimming and would not have had a full lunch break but even so….

But I’m pleased to report that, in missing my swim, I felt rubbish; fuggy, ratty and in need of exercise. This is progress – I’m actually missing exercise!!

I suspect running is what I need to be doing anyway. I don’t think you can beat it for weight loss and fitness. It definitely gives you more bang for your buck compared to swimming or walking although I’m not knocking either of those. I think it’s the weight-bearing element which burns those calories, especially when one is carrying MY weight that is!! From next week, we’ll have the option of the gym to add to running, swimming, hill walks and personal training. Rich has joined now and gets his new programme this afternoon so we’re going to try to go at least twice and hopefully 3 times per week for a short, sharp 3 month trial to see if we get value out of it.

My running distances are not particularly stellar. Compared to what I was achieving while training for my half marathon, they are paltry but at least I’m getting out there and including some hills into the routes. I’ve just plotted Tuesday night’s route on Map My Run and discovered that it is a slightly disappointing 2.8 miles (4.5km). I had hoped to sneak over 3 and ensure that I’m running 5km but not too bad I suppose. I did it in just under 40 minutes so there is considerable room for improvement to be honest….must try harder…..

Hopefully I will go again tonight and maybe add that extra few hundred yards to take me over the magic 5km…wish me luck!!

Update - I typed up this post yesterday (Friday) and I did manage to go running last night. It is getting slowly better. I added a small extra corner to my route so it is now just over 5km and I did it in the same time (although that could have been because it was not as cold or windy as on Tuesday). My back troubled me again this morning though so I'm obviously going to have to watch that.

Anyway, went for a lovely sunny walk with my friend Paula this morning while Rich was at work - muddy as hell, hilly and tiring but very life-affirming!! Lazy afternoon ahead and then a wedding reception locally this evening....what a nice day!

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