Friday, 19 March 2010

So far so good

D was only just back here so the girls were in full-on velcro mode!

The look of love eh?

But then again, I'm talking with the zeal of the "new-diet"-er. You all know what I mean. The great, empowered, strong and focussed feeling you get when you're just embarking on a new regime. I suppose I'm specifically playing up that element too by calling this phase "bootcamp" and limiting it to 4 weeks. But whatever works eh?

I'm on day 3 today and days 1 and 2 were stellar. 2 lbs have melted off my frame and I haven't been tempted to stray. I went for a 40 minute run on Wednesday and personal training yesterday. My anti-stray resolve was severely tested yesterday evening though when I came home after having a tooth extracted.

I felt miserable and sore but more so because I'm facing a summer with a huge gap in my upper jaw or having to wear a temporary plate!! Oh my God!! I've had issues with my teeth on that upper right side for decades and after hours and years of painful and expensive treatments it's just getting worse. So I've eventually opted to have implants. Very expensive but hopefully a more trouble free and permanent (well 20 years) solution.

The trouble is, you have to have the problem teeth out, then heal for 5 weeks, then the pins surgically placed and heal for 3-5 months and only then do you have your new shiny teeth fitted. This means temporary solutions for 6 months!! I know it is the best thing but it's not a pleasant thing to face.

So last night I was very close to comfort eating. Luckily I didn't have much in the house and my jaw was sore anyway so I managed to avert disaster but it was a graphic illustration of the ridiculous thought process - sore and upset, I know - eat!!

Anyway, I'm working from home today so I took the dogs for an early morning brisk walk to the garage (local shop) for milk and the paper which made a lovely start to the day. I'm going to the gym at lunchtime and then hopefully will fit in another walk before it gets dark this evening. That'll be 3 walks for the girls in one day as I haven't cancelled the dogwalker - they won't know what's hit them!

So - the sun is shining and things are good. I need to see this and not worry about a gap in my teeth which is not permanent and will be much better in the long run.... Can you see me giving myself a mental shake here??

1 comment:

Milly said...

Lesley, sorry to hear about your teeth, I have a gap on my top right & any teeth on plates just look awful to me due to my bite so for now I stick with my gap & forget about it most of the time. Well done for not giving in & comfort eating. I am having a lousy time, I have only been blogging for about a mth & I am back where I started, oh well, I am sure I will get back on track some time soon!
Are you doing a revisit for your programme afterall? Anyway keep up the good work. Milly