Saturday, 21 March 2009


Spring is definitly in the air, the quality of the light has changed and the grass is greener. I've always liked this garden, sitting overlooking the weir and stepping stones and I think it looks lovely with the spring bulbs just peeking through.

Bamford Mill with dogs impatiently awaiting their swim.

A pretty little barn and tractor scene....getting a bit bucolic here...

View of Bamford from the old railway track, definitely spring like.

Proof positive!

Small progress being noted at the scales. Now I need to keep it going over a challenging an employee of Local Government, I'm now not meant to use a dizzying array of words, one of which is "challenge". Apparently, we use these words as jargon to confuse and obscure our true meaning!! Personally I don't feel that "challenge" is too tricky to understand and have in the past been encouraged to use it as a more positive alternative to "problem" or "concern", but no longer....sigh...

Sorry for the digression but it made us laugh at the office; there were 200 words or phrases on the list and, without some of them, I doubt we could actually DO our jobs!! (Although I think we could all live without "indicators of beaconicity"!!!) It was a clear case of some overpaid PC researcher having too much time and funding on his or her hands and throwing the baby out with the bathwater (am I still allowed to use phrases such as that I wonder??!).

Anyway, back to my "problematic" weekend. (Which it isn't.) I went out to a posh supper with 2 girlfriends last night. I had deliberately eaten as little as possible during the day to save up for the meal and didn't go mad (although Beef Wellington was had which was gorgeous...). I didn't have dessert or milky coffee but did have several gasses of wine. Anyway, it was a good evening after a very long day at work.

We had been in a tough negotiating meeting from 10am 'til 6pm and managed to save a development project which could just as easily have gone tits up as been saved. It really was our last chance to do the deal before the developer walked away (very tricky to keep them on board at the moment) and the funding disappeared. That would have been awful; on a personal level over 2 years of work for the 3 of us down the drain; and, even worse, a truly deprived area of Rotherham would not have had the chance of being redeveloped and the community would have been left with its monstrous, crumbling 1960's shopping centre and crime magnet still clogging up the high street and dragging the whole place down.

So, it was a good day's work but I could have done without the plate of cakes left over from the sandwich lunch (at which I was very restrained) sitting on the table and distracting me almost all the way through!!

Today, a packed programme of: chores; dog walking; train into Sheffield for the football; race into town from Hillsborough after the game and watch the rugby in a pub with some Valley mates then taxi home at some point. Looking forward to it. I will definitely be drinking but will try to avoid the beer calories and will not go mad on the foodstuffs....NO kebabs will be had!!!

Tomorrow, more temptation in the form of a Mothers' day lunch out but that should be okay. have a good one everyone!


Mrs said...

Aha! That stuff about language and forbidden words made me laugh out loud! The thing is, local government stuff really is full of jargon but to disallow challenge is, quite frankly, barking! I made a little reference to your post in one of mine today.

The piccies were really gorgeous. Hope you have had a good day. I've had to employ Beck or uber-Beck tactics and tie myself to a chair. To stop me going bonkers!!! Of course, that isn't pure Beck, per se, but you get the idea!

Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow; enjoy your lunch!

Big kiss.

Mrs Lxxxxxxxx

Mrs said...

Hi Lesley

Me again! Just while I remember...I've been doing more reading. About ... well, you know what. Anyway, EVERYTHING I have read makes reference to the fact that intuitive eating is a no-no for the person who has lost a lot of weight. Now, I know you have not been doing that but also, with intuitive eating, comes relaxed eating. Or having a little of what you fancy.

And that's a no too! Shall we laugh/sigh together?!!

I realise this comment now sounds a bit bonkers - maybe it's my hormones (!) - but I just wanted to flag it up.

Big kiss.

Mrs Lxxxxxxxx

Peridot said...

Challenge? What does that mean? I don't work in local government so am incapable of understanding such a complex work. Indicators of beaconicity on the other hand - well, you'd hear that in any pub in the land!

Peridot x