Friday, 6 June 2008

Hi again!!!

This is going to be very short and sweet but just to get me back into the swing of typing after such a long break. We've been on holiday to Ireland for a wedding and it was massive. I thought I'd have loads of time to pop in and post but it was mental over there.

I ate loads and had a great time. Now I'm back and ready and raring to go to get back to losing ways and fitness. I will sort out my photos and post a proper post very soon but it is sunny and I want to enjoy a few hours in the garden before the dreaded office calls.

Thanks for all your lovely messages and I hope you're all well too.

Kiss kiss kiss...and a few snogs too......


. said...

Hello and welcome back - you've been missed :)

Glad to hear you've had such a good time ..... rotten when you have to get back to work though.

Enjoy that sunshine


Peridot said...

Hey, welcome back!

Looking forward to seeing a photo of you all glammed up for the wedding.

Peridot x

Crissy Rae said...

Glad to hear you had a great time. Ireland is one place I would love to visit some day. Welcome back!

Shelley said...

Thank goodness you are back!

Mrs said...

So, Mrs D! Where are the pics?!?!?!?

Big kiss.

Mrs L xxxxx