Friday, 7 December 2007

Friday 7th December

Hi again. This can only be a quick post before I dash off to catch a train to Birmingham. One of my colleagues (definitely nice but dim) has arranged a complex and likely to be lengthy negotiating/drafting meeting starting at 2pm in Birmingham. There'll be no sloping off early for the weekend this week!! In fact I'll be lucky to get home before 9pm...grrr. Still, I'm "working from home" this morning as there was no way I was driving all the way to Rotherham first then having to drive back this chance!
That means I've been able to see the bedroom now that the carpet has been fitted. They were efficient. Arrived at 9.15 and were done by 10! It looks good. D is just finishing off the touching up, electrical stuff (changing switches and sockets etc) and we should be able to sleep there tonight. The new furniture is being delivered on Monday so the house will be back in order before Christmas. Thank God for that!
Re exercising, I've been good this week. Training on Tuesday morning, lunchhour runs on Wednesday and Thursday and training again this morning. It makes me laugh when I get comments saying how lovely the countryside is for running etc. Well, it is, but that is only the countryside near me! When I go running at lunchtime at work, I'm in the industrial heartland of Rotherham. I generally run along the canal towpath and it is industry and construction the whole way. Litter, mud, grim looking anglers, derelict wasteground, etc etc. I will take some pictures if I can remember to bring my camera next time! For contrast.
I love working in Rotherham though as, for a development and regeneration solicitor, there is so much to do!! Every project is a massive battle to make the town a little bit better. Now we've got Dolly Parton on our side, maybe things will be a bit better!! Don't know if you saw the news about her coming to Rotherham? I was working on that project a bit (although not my field - it's a literacy charity of hers to send books to children up to the age of 5 to encourage reading which she is rolling out into Europe, starting in Roth). Typically though, I didn't get an invite to the launch event she attended at Magna - they go to the bigwigs who have not had anything to do with the project....sigh!
Anyway, I still feel fat but it's not getting worse and I'm still battling and have not let go. The rainbow is a symbol of that. I'm not going to do anything drastic until after Christmas but in the meantime, it's damage limitation!
Bye all.


Amy said...

Beautiful photo! Great job on your workouts! And DO NOT GIVE UP! You're aware that things are a bit off at the moment and you're taking steps to make sure things don't get out of hand. I applaud you for that!

Mrs said...

Dearest Lesley

a) hope you got back at a decent hour
b) I knew Dolly was in Rotherham but did NOT make the connection; doh!
c) you are still doing amazingly well - all that running!!!
d) don't give up; I'm with you every step of the way! Try to find ways of feeling more in control and pinpoint what you'd like to be, so you don't feel fat. It could be just a couple of pounds but they could be significant pounds. It's constant vigilance so focus now so you can have a good Christmas.

Big kiss.

Mrs Lxxxxxxxx