Sunday, 22 April 2007

A big hello to "About to Slim"!

ATS left a comment on my last post but doesn't have a blog for me to reply direct to so I was typing a comment to her (or him??) but thought it would be better as a post so maybe others could join in and add some encouragement:

Hi "About to Slim"! I hope you are, too..

Everyone has to start somewhere and I started when I met an acquaintance (just before Christmas) who I hadn't seen for a few months and who had lost nearly 6 stone in less than 20 weeks. I was stunned by the physical changes in her and how happy she seemed. I was impressed by how easy she said she had found it (although I doubted that bit to be honest!!) and I thought to myself "I can do anything for 20 weeks if I'm guaranteed a loss like that".

I started my classes in January and was prepared for it to be absolutely horrible; to have to turn down invitations; not go to functions (even weddings) or weekends away; and basically to become a hermit for the duration. I thought that I would have to do that to avoid food and drink and that I couldn't live a normal life while I did the programme. But I was preapred to do all that anyway - that's how much I wanted it.

As you can see from my blog, I haven't had to go to those lengths at all. In fact my life has become both fuller and better since I started the programme (irrespective of the weight loss). The strength of it is that you learn to enjoy life without food and drink and realise that the important things aren't always edible or drinkable!!

I'm not saying that it is easy, because you do need a lot of determination and there will be hard times but, overall, it is nowhere near as bad as you think it will be and the highs by far outweigh (sorry, bad pun) the lows.

Blogging and tapping into the strength, humour and sheer loveliness of all these other women is also, in my opinion, a major asset and aid both when you're feeling down (it pulls you up) and when you floating (it reinforces your happiness).

So, I have fingers crossed for you that you are able to join up and that, if you are, it works as well for you as it has worked for me and for so many others around here.

Take care and keep us posted.

Lesley x


SoonBeSlim... It's True! said...

****** CONGRATULATIONS *******

You have made 100 days, and as you have said in your post achieved so much! Who would of thought it.

Your BLOG was one of the first I came across when looking to determine if LL was just a scam. You were so positive but honest and I rememebr thinking I would love to feel half as good as you.

The rest is history, and I wanted to thank you for writing a BLOG (Had never heard of them before nevermind about writing one myself) as without it I may of convinced myself LL was not for me.

Your support and straight forward advice has been just what I needed when I began to drift into navel gazing.

So much good luck and love sent to you on the next part of your journey

Take Care

Sam xx

Ps. I loved the sheep, but have to pass on the footie. My sisters loved Nottingam Forest and travelled the world when I was a child watching them play (yes when they were good!). They tried hard to turn me, but with no success!

SoonBeSlim... It's True! said...

pps. I can't add anything to Lesley's post About To Slim, but really good luck.

If your up for this, it's the best journey I have ever been on and one I will never forget

Take Care, and look forward to hearing how you get on


Sandra said...

Just saw your latest comments on the blog...
I have planned to stay mostly on track on the hols (although I admit to being gutted I can't eat in Hong Kong!). There is a fruit in NZ that you cna't get here (or in in any other country I've been to) called Feijoas. They have a short season but are abundant in season and loads of people have the trees in their backyard. We booked this trip deliberately to fit in with the season (before I even thought about LL) because I was gutted that we went at the wrong time last year. So, because it's not the kind of thing I'll be able to eat at the end of the programme, I know want to eat some while we're there. I was trying to work out the best way to minimise the damamge. Dan and I have theorised that maybe 2 or 3 'nights off' where I eat a chicken or fish meal with no carbs and then have feijoas for dessert will allow me to indulge and still come back with a loss.

It's okay about PDC - we are not fans of him actually because he apparently said in his book he admired Mussolini and Dan and I are definitely on the left side of politics. He was a very talented player though. This season we've been on a financial boycott of WH because of Bowyer being in the team. We wrote to the chairman and told him we were still fans but wouldn't be spending any money on WH while he was in the team. Unfortunately it looks like he might be one of the few who stays once we get relegated...

about to slim said...

Thanks for your support!(by the way im female).
I have a few fears about starting this,like,will i be able to eat properly again and go out for a mealetc also you hear all these stories about people having excess skin after they have lost weight, but i suppose i'll have my questions answered tonight.
Ive now got a blog,although i haven't written anything on it yet,probably cos i dont know how to use it yet.Keep up the great work and i'll keep ya posted xx

about to slim said...

By the way my blogspot is

chrismars said...

In case About to Slim reads this, please excuse me, Lesley, I just wanted to leave a coment for her: ATS, as everyone else will say, if you can do it, then do it. As others would affirm, I have had more than my fair share of troubles doing the diet, but I would recommend it to anyone who seriously, not only wants to lose weight, but wants to turn their life around. On this diet, and with these blogs, it's more than possible.

Another thing I would say is that if you find the cost prohibitive or decided you don't need the counselling side, then do the Cambridge Diet. It's very similar, but no counselling.

Please come bck and let us all know what you decide.

Thanks, Lesley. It's like using a

And, Wow, Lesley! .....a title, not a number!

Chris xx