Saturday, 31 August 2013

Still in the mid 20th century

It is very frustrating that just when I really need the support I get from regular blogging, my laptop is kaput and every IT person I contact is on holiday! I am trying quite hard but also suffering regular setbacks. I seem to be able to stick to my routine most mornings and through the afternoons but my resolve weakens in the evenings and too many carby snacks and big meals are sneaking through.

On the plus side I've been running 6 times now which is almost a habit.

On the minus side, I'm tapping this post out on my phone on the coach back from Middlesbrough where we've been watching the football. I knew it would be a tough day for a dieter but managed to avoid the cooked breakfast and 2 pints with breakfast. I did not, however, avoid the subsequent 5 pints of bitter and accompanying cheeseburger and chips. Oh and I made 2 batches of brownies for the coach cos it was one of the regulars' birthday and had 1.5 pieces!! So, not a great day dietwise!! But fun.

I will work on my chimp discipline from now on and will NOT have any more beer today!!

Monday, 19 August 2013


The laptop is still busted and local IT chaps have gone on their hols. I think it's something  simple like the battery pack but it's most annoying. I have a camera full of photos I took at  Rich's Captain's day up at his golf club at the weekend and everyone is keen to see them but they'll have to wait. Grrrrr

On the "fat but happy" front, I realised that, while I am happy, I am not happy being fat!! I was looking around the station this morning and observing how many slim, trim women there were and how far I have strayed from slim and trim. Enough!!

So, I'm back doing something about it. No carbs for breakfast or lunch, my cold shower, black coffee, 3 hour wait for breakfast routine and, crucially for me, an actual run at lunchtime!! I haven't been on a run at work for some time but it was most enjoyable and to be repeated.  Tonight I ate a bit late but resisted homemade gooseberry crumble for dessert Go me!!

Baby steps. I will NOT go  all the way back up. The rot will be stopped and the damage reversed, again.

Sunday, 18 August 2013


Not hiding. My laptop is on the blink, I and can't use my work one for "Social Networking" and typing proper posts on my phone like this is  too awkward.

So, in short, I'm fat but happy. Busy at work, play and trundling on with the house buying. I'm trying to address the fat bit but can't hide from the fact that I've put most of the stone I dropped back on (I've tried, believe me)!  I WILL be stopping the rot very soon.  In fact, no time like the present....

Wish me luck peeps and I hope to be back blogging properly soon. I have a ton of photos if nothing else!!

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Time flies

How did that happen? It's been ages since I lasted posted. Nothing too sinister just having a good time!! We've had a few days off but I'll be back in the saddle soon. Kind of dreading the scales. wish me luck!!

And.......drum roll....I've just noticed that this is my 1000th post!! It could've been a bit more momentous but I suppose that's the way it goes with blogging!!