If by "sorted" I mean we have a house whose downstairs is not disgusting and whose upstairs doesn't quite make me weep! We spent 5 days desperately painting and cleaning then we moved in on Thursday and filled most of our clean magnolia'ed rooms with boxes....aaaaargh!!
We have so much stuff. There is much more ebaying to come. I didn't want to be too ruthless until I knew what the new house would need. Now I know, it needs more space!!
We (along with Rich's dad and a couple of pals) have painted the kitchen (now officially the nicest room in the house), the dining room, living room, bathroom and hallway and put up curtains, shower screen and installed freesat until Sky moves over soon. It feels almost like a home although I still haven't lost the feeling that I'm camping in my own home. But we're getting there. Everything takes so long though doesn't it? You want to do a simple task but it invariably entails locating a box (usually at the bottom of a pile) or buying a fitting thingummy from the hardware store (thank God there is one in the village!).
Dieting is not on the agenda but I stepped on the scales a day or so ago and saw a couple of lbs off so, while it is not great, the hard work is at least keeping the festive spread at bay. Exercise you say?? What's that? Unless it is lugging boxes, painting, shifting furniture, cleaning, mopping, hoovering or walking the poor, neglected dogs, it doesn't exist! January.....I will look up the meaning of this "exercise" you speak of (and perhaps even DO some) in January. What a tired old cliche....sigh.....
I am LOVING the new house though, well, the concept of it anyway. I know Rich and I will be happy there. I can't believe how unstressy and happy the whole move has been. We are exhausted but strangely enjoying the time together and not a cross word or snap has been heard (even when things are dropped, lost, broken etc). Just lots of kisses, cuddles and laughter. Joy joy joy...
I am checking blogs when I can and will have wifi soon. So, in the meantime....HAPPY CHRISTMAS to you all. Have a wonderful time. L xxx